Newspaper Date | Article | Topic | Comment |
Bradford Observer (Yorkshire) | 1839-12-12 | Jersey Currency | Bad bank notes. |
Hampshire Advertiser | 1841-11-20 | Jersey | The new coins of 1841. |
Sun (London) | 1846-01-03 | The five franc pieces in Jersey | The five franc coins. |
Express (London) | 1851-12-16 | Currency in the Channel Islands | More coins are needed and the use of 12 pence to a shilling. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1857-10-17 | Coppers of the Million | The need for the 1858 coinage |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1857-04-08 | Local Affairs | £5 Jersey Notes |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1857-11-25 | New Coinage | The sanctioning of the 1858 coinage. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1857-12-25 | Copper Money | The new coins are coming soon. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1858-05-05 | The New Jersey Copper Money | The delay due to a die mishap. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1858-05-26 | Jersey Coppers Refused | Jersey coins are refused in Guernsey. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1858-10-15 | Remarkable Events | Short note on the 1858 coins. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1858-11-12 | Jersey Bank Notes | Letter to the editor about the Jersey bank notes. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1859-01-21 | Correspondence | The Jersey Union Bank note. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1859-05-23 | False Coins | Counterfeit coins. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1859-08-15 | The Reign of Rags | The terrible state of the currency in the Island. |
Frome Times | 1859-08-24 | The Royal Visit to Jersey | A mention of the 1841 Royal Visit medal. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1859-08-31 | Jersey Copper | Jersey coins not legal in Guernsey. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1859-10-18 | The Reign of Rags | Letter to the editor about the "The Reign of Rags" article. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1859-10-22 | The Reign of Rags | Part 2 of the "The Reign of Rags" article. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1860-02-08 | The Reign of Rags | The States discuss the "The Reign of Rags" article |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1861-07-18 | Small Change | Shortage of Coins in the Island. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1861-10-05 | Copper Coin | More coins are needed with a new obverse. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1861-11-21 | Good News | The new coins are coming soon. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1861-11-22 | The Currency Question | A need for 12 pence to the shilling. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1862-01-02 | Copper Coin | The new coins have arrived. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1862-05-09 | Where the Coppers Go | Jersey coins not legal in Guernsey. |
Cork Constitution (Cork, Ireland) | 1862-12-15 | Jersey Habits | Free whiskey! |
Courier and West-End Advertiser (London) | 1870-04-02 | The People of Jersey | Request for bronze coinage. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1870-06-23 | Jersey Copper Coinage in Guernsey | Confusion about the bronze vs copper coins. |
London Evening Standard | 1871-08-24 | Channel Islands Exhibition | A note about the Channel Islands' Exhibition medals. |
The Globe and Traveller (London) | 1873-01-24 | Notes of the Day | Thoughts about Jersey's coinage. |
North British Daily Mail (Lanarkshire, Scotland) | 1873-01-27 | English and Jersey Money | A petition. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1873-10-14 | Jersey Copper Money | Guernsey merchants will take Jersey coins. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1873-10-18 | The Jersey Penny | 1 Penny = 4 doubles. |
Aldershot Military Gazette (Hampshire, England) | 1873-11-01 | The Battle of the Pence | Controversy in Guernsey about Jersey Pence. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1874-01-08 | The Jersey Currency | An embarrassment. |
Pall Mall Gazette (London) | 1874-02-26 | Currency in Jersey | Banknotes in Jersey. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1874-04-16 | Jersey Coppers v the Jersey Railway Company | Railroad not taking Jersey coppers. |
North British Daily Mail (Lanarkshire, Scotland) | 1874-04-24 | English Coinage in Jersey | Railroad not taking Jersey coppers. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1874-04-25 | English vs Jersey Money | Problems with 1/13 of a shilling. |
East & South Devon Advertiser | 1874-12-19 | Jersey Paper Money | Unauthorized issue of paper money. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1875-03-11 | All about the H Bronze Penny | Fake news about the new H pennies. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1875-05-06 | English versus Jersey Money | Problems with 1/13 of a shilling. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1875-05-06 | The Copper Coinage | More complaints about using 1/13 of a shilling coins. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1875-06-22 | The Custom | More complaints about using 1/13 of a shilling coins. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1875-06-24 | Jersey or English Currency | More complaints about using 1/13 of a shilling coins. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1875-07-24 | Jersey Copper | Problems with 1/13 of a shilling. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1875-09-18 | The Jersey Currency | More complaints about using 1/13 of a shilling coins. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1875-12-30 | Scarcity of Copper in Jersey | More coins are needed. |
Shields Daily News | 1876-01-22 | The Copper Coinage in Jersey | Request to remove the old coinage. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1876-02-26 | Copper Coinage | Discussion about 12 coins to the shilling. |
Manchester Evening News | 1876-02-26 | Evening News | Replacing the old with the new. |
Birmingham Daily Post | 1876-02-28 | NEWS OF THE DAY | New coins are ordered. |
Illustrated London News | 1876-03-04 | New Coinage | New coins are coming. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1876-03-11 | Chamber of Commerce | The new coins. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1876-04-06 | Guernsey Copper Currency | Guernsey coins in Jersey. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1876-04-22 | Jersey Copper Coinage | The new issue of coins. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1876-05-13 | Post Office | The use of Jersey coins at the Post Office. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1876-08-12 | Complaints of the scarcity of Copper Money | More coins are needed. |
Western Morning News (Devon, England) | 1876-11-06 | News | French and Guernsey copper coins refused. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1877-02-10 | Copper Coinage | The coins will be minted in Birmingham. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1877-02-10 | The New Jersey Copper Coinage | Guernsey's view of Jersey new coins. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1877-02-24 | The Copper Coinage | The new coins have arrived. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1877-03-17 | New Copper Coinage | Complaint about the new coinage. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1877-03-20 | Return of the old Copper | Jersey coppers being returned. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1877-03-24 | Old Copper Currency | Jersey coppers being returned. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1877-03-24 | Old Copper Currency | Jersey coppers being returned. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1877-03-29 | Currency of Jersey | Various coins being used in Jersey. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1877-06-16 | The Jersey Coinage | Review of the new coins. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1877-06-30 | Foreign Coin | Foreign coins in use. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1877-07-31 | Guernsey and Jersey Coinage | Comparison of Jersey and Guernsey coinage. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1877-10-27 | Old Copper Coin | The old copper coins. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1879-03-29 | French Money | The use of French money in Jersey. |
Manchester Evening News | 1880-01-29 | French Gold Money | The use of French Gold in Jersey. |
Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer | 1884-01-08 | French Money in Jersey | French coppers in Jersey. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1885-03-10 | Our Coinage System (Guernsey) | Guernsey view of Jersey coins. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1886-01-12 | The Jersey Banking Company Payment Suspended | Jersey Banking Company problems. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1888-01-21 | Copper Money | More coins are needed. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1889-04-02 | French Copper | French coins in the Island. |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1889-10-03 | Monetary Complication in the Channel Islands | Jersey coins in Guernsey. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1895-07-13 | Copper Money | Inconvenient coins? |
The Star (Guernsey) | 1897-08-19 | The Currency Question | British money the only legal tender? |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1900-02-24 | French Copper Coins | French coins in Jersey. |
Jersey Evening Post | 1901-06-03 | Jersey Copper Taken | Guernsey banks takes Jersey coins. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1901-12-29 | The Coinage | A rumour in Guernsey. |
Jersey Evening Post | 1902-03-03 | The Copper Coinage Question | French money no longer legal. |
Jersey Evening Post | 1902-03-10 | The Copper Coinage Question | English and Guernsey coppers dated from the year 1863 |
Jersey Evening Post | 1902-05-08 | Coronation medals | Three articles on the Coronation medals. |
Jersey Evening Post | 1905-12-16 | The History of the Jersey Currency | The history of Jersey currency. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1909-01-12 | £3000 Worth of Jersey Copper | Coins for 1909. |
Jersey Independent and Daily Telegraph | 1909-02-06 | The issuing of Copper Money | Coins for 1909. |
Jersey Evening Post | 1910-01-10 | Foreign Coppers | French coins again. |
Jersey Evening Post | 1912-09-17 | Foreign Coinage | French coins again. |
Jersey Evening Post | 1912-10-01 | French Copper Coinage | French coins again. |
Pall Mall Gazette (London) | 1923-08-25 | Exchange of coins Jersey's plan to check French money circulation | Withdrawal of French coppers. |
Daily News (London) | 1924-01-08 | Jersey new coinage | A note about the 1923 issue. |
Derby Daily Telegraph | 1939-07-08 | All that Glitters | Worth a fortune?? |
Daily Mirror | 1951-11-30 | Penny Wise Footnote | Crafty kids! |
Birmingham Daily Post | 1973-07-05 | Firm joins the money makers | The 1973 commemoratives |