Emission de Monnaie de Bronze | |
At the States of the Island of Jersey
Considering which at the moment is convenient to make a new issue of bronze coin:
The STATES have decide, with the help of the sanction of His Very Excellent Majesty as a
Council, to issue bronze coin to not exceed the amount Three thousand pounds sterling, in
parts representing the denomination as the twenty-fourth part of a shilling, currency of
the United Kingdom. And the States have loan the Committee of Finances to take measurements
necessary to put present it Act in execution, when it receives the Royal Sanction, and to
issue the aforementioned
bronze coin progressively that it will be necessary. And the Treasurer of the States is
authorized to advance the necessary funds under the direction of the aforesaid Committee.
What will be prints, publishes and displays.Issue of Bronze Coin An ACT to issue in circulation of the bronze coin in an amount to not exceed three thousand pounds sterling, confirmed by Order of His Majesty in the Council, on 29 January 1923. (Entered on February 10, 1923). IN THE STATES OF THE ISLAND OF JERSEY. The Year 1922, the 31st day of October. ERNEST LE SUEUR, Clerk. |
Aux Etats de I'lle de Jersey
Considerant que le moment est opportun de faire une nouvelle emission de
Monnaie de Bronze:
LES ETATS ont decide, moyennant la sanction de Sa Tres Excellente Majeste
Conseil, d'emettre de la Monnaie de Bronze a un montant n'excedant pas
Trois > mille livres sterling, en pieces representant la douzieme ae la
vingt-quatrieme partie d'un chelin, monnaie de la Grande Bretagne.
Et les Etats ont charge le Comite des Finances de prendre les mesures
necessaires pour mettre le present Acte a execution, lorsqu'il aura recu la
Sanction Royale, et pour emettre ladite Monnaie de Bronze au fur et a
qu'il en sera necessaire. Et est le Tresorier des Etats autorise a avancer
les fonds necessaires sous la direction dudit Comite.
Ce qui sera imprime, publie et affiche.Emission de Monnaie de Bronze. ACTE pour emettre en circulation de la Monnaie de Bronze a un montant n'excedant pas Trois mille livres sterling, confirme par Ordre de Sa Majeste en Conseil, en date du 29 Janvier 1923. (Enterine le 10 Fevrier 1923). AUX ETATS DE L'ILE DE JERSEY. L'An 1922, le 31e jour d'Octobre. ERNEST LE SUEUR, Greffier. |