Jersey Orders in Council
Regulation confirmed by Order of His Majesty in the Council on June 24, 1835. (Enacted on July 11, 1835).
AT THE STATES OF THE ISLAND OF JERSEY. The Year 1834, September 18.
The States, having deliberated on the report of the Committee charged by the Act of August 13, 1834, to take into account the petition of 1113 inhabitants of this country has His Majesty as a Council, relative with the change of the currency of the country; and waited until the old French six livres coin will be demonetize, and are so much worn besides that they cannot be considered any more like a useful currency; have resolve to point out their Act of the 7th day of last April, and, with the help of the Sanction of His Very Excellent Majesty in the Council, to replace the following paragraph of the Code of 1771:
"Money. In accordance with certain Commands of the King and the Council, one dates on May 22, 1729, and the other on July 9, 1730, enterines in the book of the States the 25 day of August 1730; It is established that the coins of France will have course in this Island only according to their intrinsic value, has proportion of the Crown piece of England. The Crown piece of England will continue has seventy one sous; the half-crown has thirty five and a half sous; Shilling has fourteen sous; and the half-Shilling has seven sous. The French liards are set to their old value of two deniers to the part; the half-penny of England will be equal to seven deniers; and the penny of England has three and half." And to substitute the following Payment for it:
ART. 1. To date from October 1, 1834, the English currency will be the only currency legal for payments in this country.
ART. 2. A Pound sterling will be worth twenty-six livres, old course of France.
ART. 3. No one will be held to receive beyond a shilling in copper currency.
Reglement confirme par Ordre de Sa Majeste en Conseil en date du 24 Juin, 1835. (Enterine le 11 Juillet, 1835).
AUX ETATS DE L'ILE DE JERSEY. L'An 1834, le 18 Septembre.
Les Etats, ayant delibere sur la rapport du Comite charge par Acte du 13 Aout, 1834, de prendre en consideration la Petition de mille cent treize des habitans de ce pays a Sa Majeste en Conseil, relativement au changement de la monnaie du pays; et attendu que les anciennes pieces de six livres de France vont etre demonetisees, et sont d'ailleurs tellement rognees qu'elles ne peuvent plus etre envisagees comme une monnaie utile; ont resolu de rappeler leur Acte du 7e jour d'Avril dernier, et, moyennant la Sanction de Sa Tres Excellente Majeste en Conseil, de rapporter le paragraphe suivant du Code de 1771:
"MONNOYE. Conformement a certains Ordres du Roi ey du Conseil, l'un date le 22 Mai 1729, et l'autre le 9 Juillet 1730, enterines dans le livre des Etats le 25e jour d'Aout 1730; Il est etabli que les especes de Monnoye d'Argent de France auront cours en cette Isle uniquement selon leur valeur intrinseque, a proportion de l'Ecu ou Crown piece d'Angleterre. L'Ecu ou Crown piece d'Angleterre continuera a septante-un sous; le demi-Ecu a trente-cinq sous et demi; le Chelin a quatorze sous; et le demi-Chelin a sept sous. Les Liards de France sont reduits a leur ancienne valeur de deux deniers la piece; et le demi-sou d'Angleterre aura cours a sept deniers; et les deniers d'Angleterre a trois et demi." Et d'y substituer le Reglement suivant:
ART. 1. A DATER du 1er Octobre 1834, la monnaie Anglaise sera la seule monnaie legale pour les payemens qui se feront dans le pays.
ART. 2. Une livre sterling sera estimee valoir vingt-six livres, ancien cours de France.
ART. 3. Nul ne sera tenu de recevoir au dela d'un chelin en monnaie de cuivre.


home, tokens, 1/13th of a shilling, 1/12th of a shilling, decimal, pounds, or commemoratives, or gold coins