JERSEY R & O 8122 Decimal Currency (Jersey) Law 1971 ____________ DECIMAL CURRENCY (CALLING IN OF FIVE PENCE COINS) (No. 2) (JERSEY) ORDER 1990 ____________ THE FINANCE AND ECONOMICS COMMITTEE, in pursuance of Article 4A of the Decimal Currency (Jersey) Law 1971,1 as amended, hereby orders as follows � 1. Coins of the denomination of five pence issued pursuant to Article 2 of the Decimal Currency (Jersey) Law 19692 shall be called in by the thirty-first day of December 1990. 2. This Order may be cited as the Decimal Currency (Calling in of Five Pence Coins) (No. 2) (Jersey) Order 1990 and shall come into force forthwith. By Order of the Finance and Economics Committee, E.J.M. POTTER