Jersey Orders in Council
The States of Isle of Jersey
1840 the thirteenth day of July

The States, considering that it was very difficult to obtain money made from billon and that it proved to be a great inconvenience in the realm of commerce decided to sanction Her Majesty's Excellent Council, in the making of the money out of copper, in a way such that the pieces could represent the thirteenth part of a shilling, the twenty-sixth part of a shilling, and other denominations for the penny, in an amount not to exceed one thousand pounds sterling; and so charged a commission made up of Phillipe de Ste Croix, Eer., Jure de Venble Homme, Francois Jeune, Rector of St. Helier and the Constable of St. Helier, to put into place the current Act when it had been Royally Sanctioned, and to give a denomination to said monies.

Aux Etats de I'lle de Jersey
L'an Mil Huit cent quarante le tresieme jour de Juilet

Les Etats, considerant qu'il est tres difficile de se procurer de la monnaie de billon et que le commerce en eprouve de grands inconveniens ont decide, moyennant la sanction de SA TRES EXCELLENTE MAJESTSE EN CONSEIL, d'emettre de la monnaie au cuivre, de maniere qu'il y ait des pieces qui representent la treizieme partie d'un chelin, d'autres la vingt-sixieme et d'autres la motie de ces derniers, et ce a un montant n'execedant pas mille livres sterling; et on charge un Comite compose de Phillipe de Ste Croix, Eer., Jure de Venble Homme, Francois Jeune, Recteur de St. Helier et du Connetable de St. Helier, de mettre le present Acte a execution lorsqu'il aura recu La Sanction Royale, et de donner une denomination a la dite monnaie.

The Reply from the Privy Council
At the Court of Windsor, 11th September, 1840

Whereas there was this day read at the Board a report from the Rt. Hon. The Lords of the Committee of Council for the affairs of Jersey and Guernsey dated the 31st ult. in the words following, viz.:

Your Majesty having been pleased by your Order in Council of the 10th August last to refer unto this Committee an Act passed by the States of the Island of Jersey on the 13th of July last for the issue of a Copper Coinage to the amount of £1,000 for the use of the said Island.

Their Lordships, in obedience to Your Majesty's said Order of Reference, this day took the said Act in consideration and do agree humbly to report as their opinion to Your Majesty that it may be advisable for Your Majesty to approve of, and ratify the said Act.

Her Majesty, having taken the said report into consideration, was pleased by and with the advice of her Privy Council to approve of and ratify the said Act, and to order, as it is herby ordered, that the same (copy of hereof is hereunto annexed) together with this Order be entered upon the register of the Island of Jersey and observed accordingly.

Whereof the Governor, Lieut. Governor, or Commander-in-Chief, Bailiff and Jarats and all other Her Majesty's Officers of the said Island for the time being and all other persons whom it may concern are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly.

signed C. GREVILLE.